Adventure Bear is Cal Fish and Becca Rodriguez.
We found Adventure Bear on the sidewalk in LA during our 2023 summer tour together and he has lived with us since.
Below are excerpts from our album in progress "Adventure Bear 2023"
+photos of Adventure Bear and some of the places we have taken field recordings for our music.

Sacred Beach

Tucson Coyotes

Middle of Nevada

i70 Flat Tire

Elora's House

Railroad Earth, Atlanta December 2023

Chaos Computer, Brooklyn June 2023

Becca and Adventure Bear and anonymous bear at Hidden Ideas in Chicago

Adventure Bear at Sacred Beach in LA

Becca in White Sands New Mexico

Adventure Bear in Utah

Adventure Bear in the Car
Cal and Adventure Bear in San Fransisco
Becca in Sacramento

Becca with Adventure Bear at Karaoke in LA hours after being adopted...